
Assess yourself if you are sick with a respiratory illness

Self-manage at home

Your symptoms are mild to moderate and COVID-19 or other common respiratory viruses could cause them.

Most viruses do not require treatment and it's best to stay home until you feel better.

Feeling better means that:

  • If you had a fever, it has been gone for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  • If you had vomiting or diarrhea, it has been at least 48 hours since the last episode.
  • Your other symptoms all feel like they have noticeably improved, and none of your symptoms are getting worse. Please note that you do not have to stay home until all symptoms are completely gone. After a viral infection, some people may have symptoms that linger, such as a cough, but that does not mean you need to stay home until it goes away completely.

Testing for COVID-19 is no longer recommended unless you are sick enough to be assessed by a health care provider. However, some people may still choose to take an at-home rapid test. If you test positive, there are still recommendations for how long to isolate.

If your symptoms change or worsen, please re-assess yourself as it may be recommended to see a health care provider.